Sewing With Mer-Mer


A Pirate’s Dream March 16, 2011

Filed under: Snapshots of the Past — gforce13 @ 3:26 am

A recent poll revealed that a majority of one-leg, two-teeth pirates would rather have a treasure map they can cuddle with than one that requires a paper weight.


With this knowledge, Mer-Mer decided to make a treasure map pillow for her brother.


Just kidding. The real motivation was left-over fabric from the triforce pillow she made me (seen here) and Mer-Mer’s creed to be an equal-opportunity sewer — if she was going to make a Valentine’s Day present for one brother, she had to make one for the other too.



In addition to the fabric from the triforce pillow, for this project Mer-Mer unearthed unused red fabric and scraps of old t-shirts donated by her roommate.



Pirates need danger on their journey, so Mer-Mer created this whirlpool. She made it by first cutting a big circle and then cutting in a circular motion inside that circle to create a spiral. To make it so you could actually see the spiral, she widened the gap between the lines.



Maps need islands. Really bright ones. Mer-Mer made two yellow islands like the one pictured above and two green islands.



Aside from escaping whirlpools, pirates need other challenges, such as navigating bumpy rocks (seen next to the yellow island).



X marks the spot. Mer-Mer made the end-point of the pirate’s journey by sewing two rectangles on top of each other.



To highlight a route to the treasure, Mer-Mer used embroidery floss to make a dotted path. With all the pieces attached to the backdrop, Mer-Mer stuffed the pillow and sewed it shut.


Before sending the finished product to her brother, Mer-Mer showed the pillow to her friend Krista. While she liked the pillow, Krista asked, “Why is the water black?” Mer-Mer responded, “It’s NIGHTIME!”




One Response to “A Pirate’s Dream”

  1. Janine Says:

    Check out my website if you are looking for a fun project to upcycle a pillowcase! We turn pillowcases into beautiful dresses for little girls all over the world! They are “sew” easy!

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